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Showing posts from March, 2009

Hot or Cold?

Here's one for you: Would you rather be hot or cold? I'm not talking about anything religious, just temperature. Sunburn is probably better to get than frostbite, and burned food is better to eat than freezer burned food. We also refer to overly attractive people as "hot" and when someone does something underhanded it's considered "cold". And being "hot blooded" (romance) is better than "cold blooded" (murder). When you are cold, everything freezes and hurts. You get slower and need to warm up. You also have to cover up and stay insulated from the cold. Being cold kind of sucks. We also associate vacations with hot beaches and not the arctic. On the other hand, being cold does have some advantages. When you are cold, you can warm up rather easy. Being hot requires that you have someplace cool to go and if you are sweating then that could lead to bad things if you become overly chilled. I also would rather hang out with pe