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Showing posts from January, 2009

Phobia Zombirus

I have an odd thing to admit. I'm afraid of Zombies (re-animated dead guys, and gals). I don't know what it is about the dead coming alive to eat my brains that scares the willies (I did use that word) out of me. Every time I watch a zombie movie, whether it be watching Shaun of the Dead (a love story) or playing Left 4 Dead (a deeper love story) on my Xbox 360 or even reading the Marvel: Zombies comic books, I stay up late into the night deep in thought on the dangers of zombies. I think this comes from the realization that zombies tend to be more of a viral anomaly rather than beings of magic or mythology. Whether it be from space or from a lab, reanimated dead people are generally a product of pathology and evil. The fact that zombie-ism is basically the most deadly form of rabies (28 Days Later, not 28 Days with Sandra Bullock. Both scary movies in their own right) seems very frightening to me. I often wonder if all of my doors and windows will hold up to my just-dea

The Law of Averages.

Some people are blessed with good luck (or fortune) and some with bad luck (to a point) and some have a pretty even life. I think I fall under the good and bad mix, and I also think that most people do. It seems that everything good that happens (ie: found $10, got a new TV really cheap, had a great week, etc.) the opposite also seems to find it's way in. I would like to say that I'm the only one, but I know a few people that this happens to also. The economy is a good example of the law of averages, sure it's bad right now, but it's been good for the past couple of years and was good before it went down after 9/11. It will go back up, we just have to be patient. I'm thinking that maybe instead of focusing on the negatives that happen, maybe I should deal with it and move on. Maybe those who have nothing but good luck are just good at shrugging the bad off and learn from it and use that to create their luck. I should try that.